Just checking in….

How impossible it ever sounds, but this guy might be the first to do it, truly on foot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Bushby


Japan in spring is awesome (fond memories)! Well done!

Raise and bonus is sweet, well done x 2!

But work wise it seems like we are doing more and more, but with less staff. It should be the other way, working less hours, but share the work with many - imho.

Enjoy your föräldraledighet!


That particular one is maybe unnecessary long, but there is plenty of trails out there. I’m planning on doing some long distance ones before I can’t anymore. Maybe next year 🤔



https://thegreattrail.ca/ ?


And it doesn’t seem to slow down much. Busy as ever?


Hi there. I read your post about v4 > v5. Tough call, but a good one in the end. Hopefully easier for you. 🖖


We were lucky with the weather. Sunny and warm, but sub zero during the night, so the snow crust was fine until lunchtime or so. And almost no wind at all. Even on the mountain tops. Rare but nice.



Hi there! I’m on the road south. We have been up north in Lapland.



Time flies…and stuff happens